Commentary on Doctrine & Covenants 20

Find helpful commentary on the verses below to better understand the message of this revelation.

Verses 1-4

Casey Paul Griffiths (LDS Scholar)

The original leadership of the Church consisted simply of a first elder, Joseph Smith, and a second elder, Oliver Cowdery. Joseph and Oliver served as two unique witnesses of the Restoration, being present at the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood by John the Baptist (D&C 13); being ordained and confirmed as apostles by Peter, James, and John (D&C 27:12); and receiving priesthood keys in the Kirtland temple from Moses, Elijah, and Elias (D&C 110). On December 5, 1834 Oliver was ordained “an assistant President of the High and Holy Priesthood” by Joseph Smith (JS Journal, 1832-1834, 93, JSP). After Oliver’s excommunication in 1838, the Lord gave the role of second elder to Hyrum Smith. In a revelation given in 1841, the Lord directed that Hyrum “be crowned with the same blessing, and glory, and honor, and priesthood, and gifts of the priesthood, that once were put upon him that was my servant Oliver Cowdery” (D&C 124:95).


As directed by revelation, Joseph and Oliver formally organized the Church on April 6, 1830, with six original members. Though no list was produced the day the Church was organized, several later recollections help us know who was among the founding six members. Those who gave these later accounts were David Whitmer and Joseph Knight Sr. (both firsthand witnesses of the organization of the Church) and Brigham Young. All of their lists include Joseph Smith Jr., Oliver Cowdery, and Hyrum Smith. Brigham Young’s list, given around 1843, also includes Samuel H. Smith, Joseph Smith Sr., and Orrin Porter Rockwell as founding members. Joseph Knight Sr. included Samuel H. Smith, Peter Whitmer Jr., and David Whitmer. David Whitmer gave several lists, some including his brothers John Whitmer and Christian Whitmer. After analyzing all of the evidence, historian Richard Lloyd Anderson concluded that the most likely list of the six founders includes Joseph Smith Jr., Oliver Cowdery, Hyrum Smith, David Whitmer, Peter Whitmer Jr., and Samuel H. Smith (“Who Were the Six Who Organized the Church on 6 April 1830?” Ensign, June 1980). (Doctrine and Covenants Minute)

Verses 5-16
Verses 17-28
Verses 29-36
Verse 37
Verses 38-60
Verses 61-67
Verses 68-70
Verses 71-74
Verses 75-79
Verses 80-82