Turhand Kirtland, a stockholder and general land agent for the Connecticut Land Company (after whom the township is named), arrives in what later becomes Kirtland (source).
Erie Canal is completed in northern New York state connecting the Hudson River with Buffalo and Lake Erie. Mormons and many others later use the Erie Canal for westward migration to Lake Erie and northeastern Ohio (source).
Newel K. Whitney General Store is established in an area now known as the “Kirtland Flats” (lowlands north of the present-day Kirtland Temple) (source)
On their journey to preach to "the Lamanites" (living in present day Oklahoma), Oliver Cowdery, Parley P. Pratt, Peter Whitmer, Jr., and Ziba Peterson arrive in Kirtland and stay to preach for a few weeks (see Background to D&C 32).
Sidney Rigdon is baptized after reading the Book of Mormon. Many in his congregation, including Newel K. Whitney, are baptized as well.
The New York Saints are commanded to gather to "the Ohio" (see Background to D&C 37-38). Kirtland becomes Church headquarters from 1831 to early 1838.
Joseph, Emma, Sidney Rigdon, and Edward Partridge arrive in Kirtland, Ohio.
Instructions are received as to how to obtain "the law" which the Lord promised to give in D&C 38:32, and Edward Partridge is called to be the first Bishop of the Church (see Background to D&C 41).
The "law" of the Church is revealed (see Background to D&C 42).
Many saints from New York begin arriving in the Kirtland area. Various revelations received relative to that gathering (see Background to D&C 48 and Background to D&C 51).
In February 1831, the Lord called all of the Elders of the Church to gather together for a conference (see Background to D&C 44). This conference was held on these dates at the Isaac Morley Farm in Kirtland. A significant milestone of priesthood restoration was achieved at this conference when men were ordained to the high priesthood for the first time in our dispensation. At the end of this conference Elders were called and sent to Jackson County, Missouri, for settlement (see Background to D&C 52).
Sidney Gilbert is called to be the Church agent to assist the Bishop of the Church (see Background to D&C 53).
Some of the saints who had traveled from Colesville, New York had previously settled at Leman Copley's farm in Thompson, Ohio. However, Leman Copely had now gone back on his consecrated offer to allow the Colesville saints to stay at his farm and confusion ensued. Their leader, Newel Knight, came to ask Joseph how to proceed. This revelation was the result (see Background to D&C 54).
Recent convert William W. Phelps and his family had just arrived in Kirtland. He approached the prophet to inquire the Lord's will for him and this revelation was the result (see Background to D&C 55).
A revelation of chastisement given to Ezra Thayre for failure to obey a commandment relative to his duties at Fredrick G. William's farm (see Background to D&C 56).
In obedience to the revelation recorded in D&C 52, Joseph, Sidney, and several other elders travelled to Missouri where the Lord promised he would reveal to them the land of their inheritance (see D&C 52:41-42). He arrived in Missouri with a few of his brethren on 14 July and stayed until the second week of August when they set out to return to Kirtland, arriving on 27 August.
This revelation was received three days after Joseph and a few of his brethren returned home from their journey to Independence, Missouri. The saints in Kirtland were anxious to know the Lord's will about Zion. This revelation was the result of Joseph inquiring on their behalf. Additionally, in the short absence of the prophet, apostasy had begun to spring up in the hearts of some. This is also addressed in the revelation (see Background to D&C 63).
This revelation was received only weeks after Joseph and others had arrived back from Independence, Missouri. Disagreements between various brethren on that journey (including Joseph) caused feelings between them requiring their forgiveness of one another. Additionally, some of the brethren who had been commanded to go up to Zion were preparing to travel to Missouri. This revelation addresses both circumstances (see Background to D&C 64).
Joseph & Emma move to Hiram, Ohio to live with John Johnson's family to renew his work on the Bible translation project which Joseph had set aside while traveling to and from Missouri.
On his journey away from Hiram, Ohio to fulfill a local mission commanded in D&C 71 Joseph stopped in Kirtland to counsel together with a group of high priests about their temporal and spiritual welfare. A series of three related revelations were received at this time (combined now as D&C 72), concerning the calling of the Church's second bishop and the maintaining of orderliness in the gathering to Missouri (see Background to D&C 72).
John Murdock is called to preach in the "eastern countries" (see Background to D&C 99).
Joseph Smith III is born at the Newel K. Whitney Store. He later becomes the first president of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ (now the Community of Christ) from 1860-1914.
Joseph said, "The Elders during the month of September began to return from their missions to the Eastern States, and present the histories of their several stewardships in the Lord's vineyard; and while together in these seasons of joy, I inquired of the Lord, and received on the 22nd and 23rd of September, the following revelation on Priesthood" (History of the Church, 1:286-287). (See Background to D&C 84)
After returning to Kirtland on 6 November 1832 from a trip with Newel K. Whitney to New England, Joseph answered letters he had received from hi Missouri brethren. This letter was likely written written as a response to William W. Phelps and a portion of this letter now constitutes D&C 85. (See Background to D&C 85)
While reviewing and editing the manuscript of his Bible translation, Joseph said, "I received the following revelation explaining the parable of the wheat and tares." (See Background to D&C 86)
While contemplating world and national turmoil, Joseph said, "I received the following revelation and prophecy on war." (History of the Church, 1:301) (See Background to D&C 87)
This revelation was received at a conference of high priests assembled to seek the Lord's will concerning Zion. The prophet designated this revelation "The Olive Leaf." (See Background to D&C 88)
The School of the Prophets is organized in the Newel K. Whitney Store. The school meets on 22-23 January.
This revelation, known as the Word of Wisdom, was received in the School of the Prophets. (See Background to D&C 89)
This revelation was a continuing step in establishing the First Presidency of the Church. (See Background to D&C 90)
This revelation was received as Joseph inquired inquired concerning the Apocrypha between the Old and New Testaments in his version of the Bible. (See Background to D&C 91)
This revelation instructed Frederick G. Williams regarding his duties in the United Firm. (See Background to D&C 92)
This was done in obedience to D&C 90. (See Background to D&C 90)
Little is known of the background behind this theologically rich section. The first portion appears to address material related to Joseph's work on the New Testament translation which he had recently completed. (See Background to D&C 93)
Instruction given relative to the building of the Kirtland temple which the Lord commanded to be built in D&C 88:119-36. (See Background to D&C 95)
Revelation given to a group of high priests who assembled to know the will of the Lord regarding stewardship for the French Farm (recently purchased property upon which the Kirtland temple would be built. (See Background to D&C 96)
This revelation received as Joseph sought the Lord's will relative to the persecuted saints in Jackson County, Missiouri. (See Background to D&C 97)
This revelation (received immediately after D&C 97) was received regarding the building of additional buildings in Kirtland. (See Background to D&C 94)
This revelation was also received regarding the persecution of the saints in Jackson County, Missouri. (See Background to D&C 98)
Joseph had received word that the situation in Missouri had deteriorated considerably. Saints had been driven from Jackson County. Joseph inquired of the Lord about this situation. (See Background to D&C 101)
The first stake in the Church is organized at Kirtland, with Joseph Smith as president. The First Presidency serve as the Kirtland Stake presidency. The first high council in the Church is created. (See Background to D&C 102)
Revelation received after brethren from Missouri arrived to counsel with Joseph concerning the relief and restoration of Saint in Missouri to the lands they had been driven from. (See Background to D&C 103)
Revelation received in a council meeting regarding the dissolution of the United Firm. (See Background to D&C 104)
The Johnson family sell their home and land and move to Kirtland to operate an inn.
Saints begin the Zion's Camp march from Ohio to Missouri to assist their fellow Saints there.
Revelation given in behalf of Warren Cowdery. (Background to D&C 106)
The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles is organized according to the instructions given in D&C 18:26-47.
D&C 137 is an excerpt from a vision Joseph received in the Kirtland Temple in the midst of anointings and blessings. (See Background to D&C 137)
In a series of significant events during these months the Lord poured out upon the saints the endowment of power he had promised them on multiple occasions (see D&C 38:32; 43:16; 95:8; 105:11-12, 33).
Joseph and Oliver see Christ, who accepts of the Kirtland Temple. They receive keys from Moses, Elias, and Elijah (see Background to D&C 110). This is a crucial final step in the process of Melchizedek Priesthood restoration.
In an effort to make money to pay off the Church's debts acquired to build the Kirtland Temple, Joseph and Church leaders organized the Kirtland Safety Society bank (actually a private joint-stock company).
During this season, some of the leading brethren get caught up in greed and pride and turn against Joseph.
Thomas B. Marsh approaches Joseph Smith with his concerns about the Twelve. Joseph receives D&C 112 on his behalf. (See Background to D&C 112)
The Kirtland Safety Society is forced to close its doors.
Brigham Young fled Kirtland due to threats on his life.
Joseph writes, "Apostasy, persecution, confusion, and mobocracy strove hard to bear rule at Kirtland, and thus closed the year 1837" (History of the Church, 2:529).
Seven Presidents of the Seventy hold a series of meetings in Kirtland to know what they are to do. The "Kirtland Camp" is organized.
Over 500 saints leave their homes, businesses, land, and temple in Kirtland to begin a 3 month journey to Northern Missouri.
Joseph Smith receives a revelation at Nauvoo, Illinois, that says in part, “I, the Lord, will build up Kirtland” (D&C 124:83). This revelation becomes known as the “Kirtland Prophesy.”
Joseph Smith receives a revelation at Nauvoo, Illinois, that says in part, “I, the Lord, will build up Kirtland” (D&C 124:83). This revelation becomes known as the “Kirtland Prophesy.”
The Kirtland Temple is leased and used by the Western Reserve Teachers Seminary and as a schoolhouse. Tradition includes reports that the temple is used as a stable for animals. (See Source)
The Kirtland Temple is leased and used by the Western Reserve Teachers Seminary and as a schoolhouse. Tradition includes reports that the temple is used as a stable for animals. (See Source)
The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (now the Community of Christ) obtains legal title o f ownership to the Kirtland Temple, awarded by the Court of Common Pleas, Lake County, Ohio. They begin restoration of the temple.
President Ezra Taft Benson states that the rebuilding of Kirtland is to begin and prophecies are to be fulfilled. He prays to lift the “scourge” placed on Kirtland. Ground is broken for the Kirtland LDS meeting house.
President Ezra Taft Benson dedicates the Kirtland LDS Ward building in Kirtland, Ohio.
President Ezra Taft Benson dedicates the Kirtland LDS Ward building in Kirtland, Ohio.
An arsonist’s fire destroys the Kirtland Ohio LDS Stake Center and Family History Center, destroying books, microfilms, microfiche, and Kirtland manuscripts.
Kirtland Ohio LDS Stake Center and Family History Center reopen. The Kirtland Heritage Collection is located in the Family History Center.
Open houses are held at several new and restored buildings in Kirtland, including a new spacious LDS Visitors’ Center (replica of a gristmill), the Newel K. Whitney Store, the Newel K. and Elizabeth Ann Whitney Home, the John Johnson Inn, the Little Red School House, an ashery, and a sawmill (with a working waterwheel) built on the east branch of the Chagrin River. (See Source)
President Gordon B. Hinckley dedicates restored sites, known as “Historic Kirtland,” as a part of Ohio’s bicentennial celebration (Ohio became a state in 1803).